Friday, August 29, 2008

What's in your DNA?

The DNA of a church is often established at its conception just like a human being. A human's physical, emotional and mental traits are in place upon conception and then birth and later through the modeling of the parents. A church is very similar to this in that it gets its DNA from the one who starts it (missionary/church planter) and indoctrinates it. Of course, Christ is the head of the church and his DNA will also be present by the Holy Spirit.

What if a church does not have evangelism in its DNA? What will happen to it? It will not be evangelistic. Churches must be started with evangelism as their key component. Evangelism must be the number one core value of a church or it will be like pulling teeth to ever get it to evangelize. This is one reason why so many churches are declining and dying at this very moment.

It is very important to start new churches. New churches that have evangelism and discipleship as their core values (DNA) will see remarkable results. Those that do not will see little or no fruit.

What's in your DNA?

1 comment:

lukasuzuki said...

If the DNA is similar,the church will be evangelistic.

I was like a dead body,when I dindn't know Jesus.

Born again church must be faithful.

You have a good DNA,David and your mission.

I have many things to learn ,thank you.