Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Call for Visionary Leadership

Visionary leadership is missing in our associated work. We often have vocal upheavals by 'would be' leaders but very little vision being cast. This is a call for visionary leadership.

I am still waiting to hear our visible assocational leaders challenge our churches to set goals and standards by which we might be able to plant more churches. It seems there is a real disconnect here. Why are our visible leaders reluctant to put out the challenges and set goals? Are they afraid to step over some invisible barrier that may or may not exist? Or do they feel that this is not in their 'job description'?

How simple (to my way of thinking) it would be to establish an exploratory committee on church planting and how to advance church planting in our associated work. Now why would this be so hard to do? Would it accomplish anything in the way of church planting? I don't know. But I would like to believe it would move church planting to the forefront of why we even exist.

Where is the visionary leadership to do this? Where are the visionaries?


Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving at Church

Alice and I attended church where our daughter and her husband went yesterday (Nov 25/07). It's called First Redeemer Church (an SBC church in N Atlanta).

The pastor is Dr. Richard Lee and he must be about 70. He started the church about 11 years ago with a very small group. Yesterday there were over a 1000 in attendance. There are a lot of churches around here (SBC churches) and yet this church continues to thrive. There was no doubt about an aggressive outreach and evangelistic mindset. The pastor was passionate about reaching people for Christ.

I was thankful to be in a church that loved souls and did something about it.

Thanksgiving and Beyond

My wife and I attended our Smith family reunion in Mississippi this Thanksgiving. There were nearly 50 of us! From just four brothers; our sister wasn't able to make it.

It is so very special to see how God blesses a family that puts Christ in the forefront of their existence. I praise God for over 400 years of Christ following in my family. It all began in the 1500's with our German Mennonite forefathers. Some migrated to Canada in the early 1900's and others stayed and suffered a lot due to communism and nazism. Some of us moved to the USA and here I am with my family.

Our prayer every year is that every new grandchild and nephew and niece come to Christ.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What to Do about What to Do?

At least an attempt was made to address the issues that weigh heavily on the hearts of a lot of God's people. I believe Don Britton made an honest attempt at offering some solutions for 'what to do' about 'what to do'. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about uprooting the ingrained traditionalism that has taken over our associations and the way in which we 'do church' as well. Our associations reflect the nature and personality of our churches. And until one or the other changes we will forever wonder about what to do about what to do.

It is time for us:
1. To start planting more churches and not wait for associations to do it for us.
2. To start a revolution of following Christ and changing the world around us.
3. To start start a church planting movement by firing up churches to start planting churches that will plant churches, that will plant churches, ...
4. To start new associations for one purpose only! Church planting.

Some may not like what I have said. But they had better wake up or it will be too late.


Two Steps Forward and Three Steps Back

Sometimes we are absolutely our own worst enemies. Instead of helping ourelves we shoot ourselves in the foot. That is exactly what I believe happened at the Missionary Baptist Association of Texas in Hillsboro on Wednesday November 15th.

In fact, I believe we shot ourselves in both feet. Although the vote was 75-74 to put a proven missionary on salary, it sent a message loud and clear that at least half were generally isolated from the rest of the world and ignorant of church planting terminologies that embody everything we believe about the Great Commission. When the missionary declined to be put on salary after recognizing the division it was causing he displayed courage and Christian grace choking back his disappointment. What a great example of spiritual humility.

If this association is ever going to get past the last 40 years of mostly failed church planting and begin moving into the real world of reaching the 'next generation' they will have to make drastic changes in the way they do business. It is time to change for the good.

In order to undo what took place Wednesday it will take an act of God's intervention to change the hearts of those who have opposed themselves. What took place on Wednesday is the very same reason that several state associations no longer send out any missionaries/church planters at all in their state associations through the salaried program; the reason? Unbelievable criticism and denunciation against those who were advancing with vision for the kingdom of God. Those same churches and pastors no longer waste their time in meetings that produce only chaos and discouragment. That is where we are headed if something seriously constructive is not done to avert the coming fall-out.

Who will be bold enough to rise up with some solutions and take the bull by the horns for a change.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A New Name for the ABA?

It seems there is a lot of interest in changing the name of our association. Finding the right name might become the greater challenge. Enabling associations of other countries to fellowship alongside of the ABA would require, I believe, a name that embraces all of our bretheren internationally. We have had some interesting suggestions, but so far nothing stand out. Send your suggestions our way and let's see what kind of name best suits our entire associated work.


What is 'para-church'?

'Para' as I understand it means 'alongside of '. For many years longer than I have lived there have been ministries working alongside of churches for the propagation of the gosepel and Christian services. One of the main reasons that 'para-church' ministries were initiated was to compensate for the lack of local church vision and inititiative to do what she was commissioned to do in the first place. Although these ministries (outside of the ABA and some Independent Baptist churches) are not under the authority of a local New Testament church, they are however, accountable and responsible to boards of trustees who are usually accountable to local churches of their own affiliation.

The idea is that if local churches were not stepping up to the plate and initiating ministry to carry out the Great Commission then neither would those same churches be responsible in maintaining those ministries. Many a good ministry has been killed by well meaning local churches and individuals that didn't understand the ministry founder's vision. Therefore, maintaining a separate entity from the local church has often been better from a practical point of view.

Many new ministries have arisen in our own ABA fellowship. Most of them have started because there was a lack of vision and structure within the local churches as well as the associated work itself to initiate these ministries. These ministries, as long as they are accountable to local New Testament churches are not 'para-church' even though they are operated and controlled by a board of directors or trustees. As I understand it, many of our bible institutes and seminaries are operated in the same fashion. Are we going to call them 'para-church'? To be accountable to and under the sponsorship of a local church is one thing, but to be controlled by the same is another. When ministries are sponsored by local churches, both parties enter into an agreement. It is then a matter of abiding by the agreement by both parties.

XSTREAM is not 'para-church'. We are sponsored by Landmark MBC in Martinez, California. We work alongside of many churches and are accountable to our sending church. We have a great pastor and a great church.


Change is Happening

I was delighted to hear that two local associations in different states have already made significant changes in the matter of reading and giving of reports. Good change is always an encouragement to others to keep looking forward. Let's keep the ball rolling!

Much more change is needed for effective and productive associational meetings. But Praise God it has begun.
