Thursday, January 3, 2008

Terminological Trauma

Terminology defined: The terms or system of terms used in a specific science, art, et.; Terminological defined: adjective use of Terminology.

Truama defined: 1. a bodily injury, wound, or shock 2. Psychiatry, a painful emotional experience, or shock, often producing a lasting psychic effect and, sometimes, a neurosis.
ref: Websters New World Dictionary.

It appears that too many of us are being traumatized by new terminology within our ABA work. The terminology that I refer to is "Church Planting". We never used to call it that. It used to be called and is still called by a majority "doing mission work".

There seems to be a large number of our brethren who do not believe in "church planting". They believe in starting missions. That's the way they were taught and that's what I was taught. It was taught to be the only way of biblically doing the Great Commission. You get a sponsoring church, which in turn sends out a missionary, who in turn starts a mission and organizes it only when it is financally, doctrinally and numerically strong enough to become a church. This has grown to mean the inclusion of its own land and building as well. But where did this idea come from? It was not taught from the Bible, but passed on to us from our Southern Baptist friends. This idea caught on because it provided protection of the investment made in land and buildings and a fear of a takeover by some hostile Independent.

Strangely enough, Southern Baptists have begun to abandon this method in favor of "planting churches" rather than sponsoring missions due largely to the fact that the "mission" method could not be supported by the Bible. In addition to this, they are recognizing the importance of going back to a "local church" position which in turn enhances and promotes "church planting". Wow! Have we missed something or what?

Many of my brethren are being traumatized by this new terminology (which is not new, and was the way our forefathers used to do it before there was the idea of starting missions; which by the way is a Roman Catholic idea and imperialistic in nature). What a sad state of affairs! Traumatized by terminology.

To my utter horror I am discovering that many of my dear brethren are being traumatized by the idea of "church planting" (apparently a new terminology for them). This term, in their minds, is associated with "universalism". I am shocked and dumbfounded at this ignorance that has been allowed to circulate and fester.

May we all pray for our dear brethren to get past this terminological trauma and realize that they are opposing themselves and God.



Anonymous said...

Amen, preach on brother!!!

Anonymous said...

Marlin Freeman Bro. David, you are right, the real problem is not recogniseing that most of the people in our aba work do not really understand the terms. we saw two completely different ways of defineing "Church Planting" at our state meeting and left many of our bretheren completely confused. it is always the duty of the person useing the term to define it. have a good day. Marlin Freeman.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Jonathon D Smith said...

Bro. Marlin, I agree with you that it is the responsibility of the person using a term to define it....however it was apparent that many had already decided what they thought the definition was and wanted to influence people to accept their definitions before the person using the term had a chance to define it. This is called "spin" and its used in the worldly arena called politics.

Anonymous said...

So said your energy is expended defending the term "church planting". The obvious total lack of succcess of you guys (4 churches?) is the reason seasoned Christians dismiss you. Since the term doesn't matter, don't use it to divide. Go "start" a church, grow it to a 1000, and then tell us how to rethink the Bible.

Anonymous said...

Bro. jonathon, the spin is exactally what I mean when I talk about the "post modern language" it is eating us alive. I hope that more people will recognise it and began to deal with it. Marlin Freeman.

David P Smith said...

To Anonymous who said "So said [sad?] your energy is expended defending the term "church planting".
I believe you missed it Anonymous. We're not defending "church planting", we're trying to enlighten some folks with serious definitions to help bridge some gaps of understanding and a lack of starting new works, whether they are missions or churches.

Anonymous said, "The obvious total lack of succcess of you guys (4 churches?)"
You missed it again anonymous, there were four churches started and no missions at all since July 1st!!
Anonymous continues "... is the reason seasoned Christians dismiss you. Since the term doesn't matter, don't use it to divide."
You definitely have an attitude. If it doesn't matter then why are you so put out? It's your kind of attitude that divides.

Anonymous says further, "Go "start" a church, grow it to a 1000, and then tell us how to rethink the Bible."
Come on, brother, what is your problem? Why are you so irritated? I would love to talk to you personally and find out how we can get more "works" missions/churches started.
David P Smith

Jonathon D Smith said...

Bro. Marlin,
We now live in a mission field!
America is not an evangelized country anymore.
The term postmodern is not refering to a "christian movement". The term postmodern refers to the condition of our country. It is referring to the fact that our country is a mission field and that the majority of people in our country do not have a basic judeo-christian worldview.
The term postmodern is another term that is causing terminological trauma, and once again....those who don't even know what it means have done their fear....before really asking what it even is.

Jonathon D Smith said...

Is that true that of the 4 works started in the ABA(US)since june....none of them were even missions....they started as churches to begin with?
That's startling!

Jonathon D Smith said...

In that same time frame how many missions have ceased their work?
Do you know?