Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Terminological Definitions #4

DNA: Commonly known as the building blocks of human structure. This term is applied to the manner in which a new church/mission is taught regarding: soul winning, missions, giving, etc. The idea is not new. The importance of teaching a new group from the beginning what they will need for the rest of their existence is critical for its reproducing of likeminded churches.

Natural Church Development: This is a new term for doing things the 'old way'. The importance of encouraging churches to develop and reproduce naturally from within the body. These are biblical concepts that have been lost to many churches. This encourages churches to start more churches whether there is a formal church planter/missionary to do the work or not.

Organic Churches: Essentially this is natural church development with a different spin on it.

Missional: Bringing churches and leaders back to what our mission is. Focusing on doing Great Commission work in the fashion that Paul did in the first century. Discovering that our purpose and passion is in Christ and souls.

1 comment:

Jonathon D Smith said...

I don't know if my last comment came through? It seems to me that the newer terminology(and some of it is not really that new) describes the local church more as a living organism and its operations as being that of a team or a body.....much more scriptural?
It is alot more biological in nature than some of the old terms that seem to institutionalize and sterilize the local church. What do you think?