Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Healthy Churches

The human body is an amazing creation of God. In the scriptures the local church is likened to a human body. It too is an amazing creation of God. Both are created for His Glory.

A healthy human body is a functional, reproducing, active being. It is emotionally stable, mentally sharp, physically strong, and spiritually engaged with its Creator.

A healthy church is a body that is spiritually functional. This means its membership is loving one another, forgiving one another, loving God passionately, doctrinally sound, and reproducing itself spontaneously. If any of these things are missing then it would be an unhealthy church.

However, as the human body can sometimes appear to be healthy so it is with the local church. Appearances can be deceiving. The body may appear to be healthy but in reality a disease maybe moving within it. A church may have great worship and great Bible teaching yet be dead on the vine. One clear symptoms of this in the church is where there is no reproduction taking place. Reproducing other believers (soul winning) is an indication that the body is alive and well. It may have occasional colds, flus, headaches, etc., yet it bounces back with passion for the lost. It may even have undergone surgery but it will come back with a renewed passion for life and living and the souls of men and women.

Is your church a healthy church?

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