Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Terminological Definitions #2

Continuation of Church Planting Terminologies:

Reproducing: This word is self-explanatory. However, in church planting it specifically speaks to the need of churches to reproduce themselves. In other words, start new chuches/missions as often as possible. Statistically, the SBC has learned, that if a church does not reproduce itself within the first three years of its existence it very likely will not start another church. Many of our churches could overcome this statistic by simply answering the challenge to reproduce.

Purpose Driven Churches: This term describes churches that are bent on existing for a purpose. The purpose of a church is to carry out the Great Commission, Love God, and Love Others. This purpose drives everything they do. They are Great Commission churches. They are not necessarily connected to Rick Warren simply because of their description.

Breakout Churches: According to Thom Rainer breakout churches are "churches (that) breakou of the status quo into unprecedented fruitfulness." Of the thousands of churches examined in his study thirteen churches met the criteria for being called a 'breakout church'. All of them experienced both a period of struggle and a time of sustained breakout growth under the same pastor's leadership. Transitioning from mediocrity to excellence over several years, they grew to have an impact on the entire community.

Comeback Churches: Ed Stetzer has written a well documented book on the story of 300 churches that have come back from the brink of death. These are churches that have turned around and are making a significant 'comeback'. This book is a must read for any church pastor or leader. Many our churches are on the brink of death.

Simple Church: Another fine book by Thom Rainer outlines the Simple Church. It is clearly about getting back to the basics of doing church. It is being observed that many churches have far too much happening and not enough happening in the areas that are important. It's about getting back to the basics and eliminating the complexities of church ministry.

Church Planting Movement: A major emphasis on starting new churches/missions that reproduces itself with churches planting churches planting churches planting churches....
Several Baptist groups are experiencing this nationally and globally. It is time for us to pray for a movement of God among ABA churches to start reproducing churches in order to see a movement of church planting.


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