Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Church Members Can Win People to Christ

Last week was the first week that we saw two saved as a result of our opinion poll outreach. We now have had 13 saved in the last several months. Church members are winning people to Christ!

More of our members are becoming involved in the opinion poll outreach because they have seen their friends and fellow believers rejoicing over souls they were privileged to lead to Christ. It takes a little while but it catches on. They've never seen it this way before and they want some of that joy. The joy of the Lord.

For years the average church has expected their pastors to win people to Christ. But the pastors weren't doing much of that and so seeing people come to Christ has become an unusual experience for everyone except during VBS or Youth Camp. And even then most of those that were saved were children of church members. We call that biological growth.

Pastors, help your people to win people to Christ and see them rejoicing as they bring in the sheaves!

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