Friday, June 6, 2008

ABA Name Change and Church Planting?

Over the past year I have made a lot comments concerning a name change for our national association. My objective has been to help create a movement toward a more global vision for our association. By calling ourselves ABA International or some other term would identify our world vision. As it stands right now it would appear to onlookers that our fellowship is limited to the USA and has no vision.

Unless someone introduces the idea as a resolution or motion this year it probably won't take place (hope I'm wrong). However, in another year I will probably ask my church to consider this resolution and bring it to the Messenger Body because there is no need to wait any longer than that.

I have also been promoting the idea of a church planting committee. Interestingly, many are still not aware the tremendous need for church planting. Hopefully these blogs will stir many hearts towards this great and pressing need in our fellowship.

Anyways, if I don't get up and make a motion this year about these two issues, don't be surprised. But next year, I will come with motions and resolutions, if nothing is done this year. Another year of no perceptible change?



Unknown said...

On my room wall,I am putting ABA Missionary's poster picture.

ABA inernational is really in my prayer at Japan.

If you are International.

We have 150,000,000 dead soul persons at Japan.

Isn't it some thing to think or not?

I have one memory when David visted Japan....

He gave me 5 evangiarizing tracts and told me to pass over to someone else at restrant in the airport.

I belive American is International.

Like David is so called International.

Anonymous said...

what about planting churches among ethnic groups from other countries that have been moved from Thailand to the US, or at least have outreach from already established churches in the area. I know Karen people from Burma have been transplanted to Ft Wayne, IN. It would be great to see outreaches among these people groups in the States. Just a though. I know you would like to see it too.

David P Smith said...

Yes, I would love to see church planting begin to take place among ethnic groups here in the USA. We are so far behind in this, that it is pathetic.
I know that John Sanders is doing a Romanian outreach and has a good group together already. There may be some others out there that we don't know of yet.