Monday, May 7, 2007

Are We Living In The Last Days?

Are we living in the last days? I'm not sure.

I ask this question because there are so many of my preacher friends who have assumed that the end is upon us and that we have little or no hope that anyone wants to listen to our message anymore. Why give up now? Why get discouraged now when the windows of heaven are ready to burst with blessings? If things are as bad as some folks think, shouldn't we be taking advantage of this moment in history for ministry and Christ? Don't give up now, ministry is at hand! A harvest is ready to be gathered for those who will go.

What harvest? The harvest Jesus spoke of, you know, those "white" fields where there are so few laborers? Many have lost sight of the harvest and given over to negativism and pessimism.

The harvest is about geography and attitude. There are places all over the world where hundreds and thousands are coming to Christ and starting churches everywhere. There are also many places in the USA where a harvest of souls is occuring. But it requires the lifting up of our eyes and looking on the fields in order for us to see the harvest and bring it in.

Maybe we are living in the last days, praise God! So let's plant churches and win souls as a welcome to the coming Savior.


chester said...

It would appear that from the very moment that Jesus left the church(churches) looked for His soon retunr and some believed in that day that they lived in the last days. We are constantly astonished by the depravity of man and each step we see taken towards the totality of that leads us to call these the last days. Yes, there are signs abd i would concede more than any generation before us, but, it would seem to me that God simply allows these to occur to make us to keep us soldering with some degree of urgency with regards to the gospel. He will do this with the next generation and so on as long as He determines is good. We may have 10 years, 100 years, 1000 yeasr and in each tiome table God will allow sufficient evidence to make us think the end is near and hopefully get us focused as He is on the people around us. Will He come again? Yes, is He coming now, maybe! These questions will challenge every generation till he does.
Sean Gooding

chester said...

It seesm that God made sure that each generation had enough evidence to suppose that they were living in the last days. Even from the very begining just 30 or so years after Jesus ressurection people thought they were living in the last days. God whats us to ahve an urgency to our outreach, He wants us to live as if the people we are reaching have no tomorrow and we are not secure in thinking we ahve tomorrow to ge the job done. One thousand years from now, they will too beklieve that they are living in the last day, it seems that God's grace and mercy out paces our desrie for things to get over with.