Friday, February 8, 2008

Ministry Networking

Networking defined: a group, system, etc. of interconnected or cooperating individuals. (Websters dict.)

Ministry Networking defined would be: multiple ministries having the same belief system with the Great Commission as their vision, working together in ministry in order to promote the same cause (Great Commission) without compromising their particular and individual core values and at the same time maintaining their distinctivenes in ministry.

Ministry Networking defined in the ABA: Multiple ministries having the same belief systems with the Great Commission as their vision, working independently of each other.

Perhaps it is time to "consider the locust". They have no king, Jesus said, and yet they move together in one body to achieve their one aim: devour everything in sight! What a concept!

I believe that if all of the different ministries within the ABA could network together with each other that there could be significantly more spiritual results. Let me explain: Let's say that ABA leadership wanted to see more churches/missions started next year and so they called upon our church planting ministries and said will you help us train our missionaries, both interstate and foreign? Then suppose all of those ministries networked together and put a training program together for all of the missionaries. Then let's suppose there were some serious weather tragedies in certain areas of the country (like lately) and the ABA disaster relief ministry invited other ministries to come in and on purpose be part of starting new churches in those areas. Then consider mobilizing MBSF groups to come together and do major cleanup in those devastated areas. The possibilities are limitless if we could catch the vision for ministry networking. There may already be some networking but it needs to expand into an organized effort.

Ministry networking; it works! Why not try it?

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