Friday, August 24, 2007

Starting a New Church?

We are praying for 100 new churches this year. Will you help us pray to reach that goal?

Starting a new church has benefits:
1. No established traditions that need changing.
2. Fresh vision and enthusiasm in the people.
3. New churches often reach more people than older established churches.

We want to hear from you if you are starting a new church. Give us some input that would help future church planters and existing ones too.


1 comment:

Penny Bowhay said...

Praying here that our ABA people will commit and follow through!

After reading Dr. Randy Cloud's e-mail that he sent out on August 31st telling us that the messengers at the National Meeting approved a 24% per month increase (or $43,000.00), and then, two months later wound up with a deficit of $78,159.38!!! I am greatly concerned about the difference in what people "SAY" and what they actually "DO."

I'm wondering how many new churches will actually get started when our missionary funds are running in the red?