Friday, June 22, 2007

The Casting of a Vision

For those who need a positive grasp of 'vision' it would be good to define the term:

Biblically, many refer to Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish:" when they talk about vision. Of course, we know that vision there initially refers to the Word of God delivered to a man of God who then tells the people of God what God said. When there was no vision it meant that God had not communicated with man the Word of God for a period of time.

Needless to say, we have the Word of God in its entirety and there is no need for more revelation. But 'vision' goes further than that. It speaks of what the people of God will become if there is no vision or spoken declaration of God; it says they will perish. The 'perishing' has to do with eternal destiny and even more to do with daily living and the spreading of the knowledge of God's Word, specifically the "Good News".

When there was no prophet with a 'vision' from God, the people lacked "visionary leadership". This was the kind of leadership that knew what God wanted and weren't afraid to declare it. God wants us to "be witnesses unto Him" and "Go into all the world". This is God's vision for us today. This is the vision that needs to be cast. So sending out a challenge to plant 100 new churches is certainly part of the vision of God.

The casting of a vision requires visionary leadership;leaders who clearly understand God's will and declare it in such a way as to challenge others to obey it. Our leadership influence seems to be restricted to a few school periodicals that live in the days of past glory and little hope for better days ahead. I believe it is time to cast some kind of a vision to our ABA people or they will perish.


Billy Howard said...

Well said!

chester said...

We ned to get the vision out of the south, and I know it is happening slowly. The world sits here in Toronto, it sits in New York, it sits in Boston, it sits in Chicago and other large urban cities, we can export the gospel with the people of the nations we meet and do it more efficiently than sending US missionaries to foreign lands as wonderful as that it. God has brought the world to us here in North America, all we need to do is load them up with the good news and let them lose in His kingdom.