Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Closet Calvinists

You know something....most of us would bend over backwards to keep a 5 pointer (Tulip) Calvinist out of our pulpits. We would do it at all costs! Yet, we have numerous closet Calvinists in our pulpits and our pews. Now before you draw any conclusions regarding my comment please read on.

What do I mean by a "Closet Calvinist"? We all understand that most 5 pointer Calvinists believe that there are those who are 'elected' or 'preselected' (foreordained) to be saved. A Closet Calvinist is someone who doesn't admit he is Calvinist openly but practices it secretly. "Don't ask , Don't tell!

Therefore, being a 'closet Calvinist' is the idea that there isn't any need for evangelism or missions. This idea was stated clearly when J. C. Ryland was merely expressing the universal attitude of Baptist Churches (in England) when he impatiently interrupted William Carey (soon to be first missionary to India) and exclaimed, "Sit down, young man, sit down and be still. When God wants to convert the heathen, He will do it without consulting either you or me." Now Ryland was perfectly honest in his statements and reflected what everyone else thought around him. This is so typical in our churches today. So many are convinced that the lost need Christ but few really believe that God will really send the lost to Hell. There is a pandemic of apathy now ruling in our churches and it will be the death of us.

There are scores upon scores of Closet Calvinists among God's churches. We believe God will save souls but He doesn't need you or me to get involved! Everyone believes in a literal Hell but no one cares that anyone might be going there. The sad thing is that many of us have this attitude as part of our theological background. We were taught this by well meaning church leaders when they said "Let's build our church building and they will come if God wants them to come." Others have said, "They know where our church is so they will come if they want to". These comments and many others like it have contributed to a negative attitude towards evangelism over the last 50 years. We talk openly about the importance of people getting saved yet we do not believe that we need to get involved in the process called 'evangelism'.


1 comment:

Penny Bowhay said...

Preach it Bro. David! Apparently, you and I have the same Bible which commands US to "GO," not wait around for "them" to come to our churches, or to us. We are also instructed, within our churches, to SEND, endorse and support men who desire to "GO." The ministry of evangelism is being held hostage in a number of sinful ways. Thank you so much for preaching the conviction of your heart.

God bless you!
Gene Bowhay