Friday, March 20, 2009

Five New Works?

We are approaching April and to my knowledge there are 5 new works that have been started since July of last year. We are somewhat behind last year's tally at this same time period. 5 is fine but not anything to be getting excited about when there is such a great need.

My concern for our fellowship is that there doesn't seem to be an urgency for starting new works. Planting churches is still the best form of evangelism. You would think that we would see a lot of new works started since we believe in the local church so strongly. It only makes sense that if we believe in the local church we would want to start as many of them as possible.

Let's start some new churches/missions soon. Let's stir up our young men to go out and do it! Older men too!


Anonymous said...

I would hate to think that the economy has something to do with this. I thought 13 last year was bad but this is pathetic for a fellowship of over 1200 churches?
Was last year a "high" year?

David P Smith said...

There maybe another work or two that got started somewhere in the US, but I haven't heard news of it as yet.
One of the reasons that this is happening is that there is no real movement or promotion toward establishing new works. It is a sort of 'whatever will be, will be' attitude.