Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fireproof Movie Event

Our "Fireproof" movie event turned out well. Although we did not have the kind of attendance we were hoping for, yet God brought those that needed to come (121 on a Sunday night).

One thing that has really been a blessing is watching our church rise to the occasion of such an outreach event. Everyone was ready for whatever God was going to do. Our greeters were ready, our Welcome Center folks, our ushers and the parking lot attendants and the fellowship crew (food); all had made their preparations. This was good training for our folks who are learning to prepare for the harvest.

The Movie "Fireproof" was excellent. As a result we will have some new small groups with new people attending them. This was part of the outreach. And it worked.

We thank God for all of His blessings.


lukasuzuki said...

I am really happy you spent good time on "fire proof"event.

God is timeless working for lost people.

I want to follow you.

I pray for you.


Anonymous said...

To you and the church you pastor: Great Job!

I am convinced that we must get involved in our communities in a way that meets the needs they have instead of feeding them religious platitudes.

I am also convinced that the New Testament church principle of small group meetings in homes is an effective and necessary approach to sharing the Gospel in our world today.

May God continue to bless the work there!