Friday, March 28, 2008

A Church Planting Committee Revisited

Can we as an association establish a church planting committee? We have the BSSC, Missionary Committee, and so on, but none of our committees are designed to promote, develop, research, or plan on how to enhance church planting/mission starting in our fellowship. It's 30 years past due and frankly, if we don't do it soon it probably won't ever be done. So now is the time to stir this pot as well.

A Church Planting Committee would not start churches or missions. They would not call pastors or missionaries. They would simply recommend strategies for the churches, missionaries, and church planters on how to plant churches/missions more effectively, taking into consideration the demographical and strategical elements needed in achieving more successful church/mission reproduction. They would help promote a church planting/mission starting vision for the fellowship by challenging our churches with goal setting and vision development.

I have no desire to start this committee, or even to sit on it. Someone would think I have an agenda. But, surely there is someone out there who would take the initiative to start this or at least introduce this much needed committee.

I wonder how long it will take to get this simple process into place and show that our churches are serious about church planting and are willing to at least appoint a committee to study it. With only 9 new churches/missions having been started since last year, I'd say we are in desperate need of something that works.



Anonymous said...

Starting committees has no bearing on whether or not churches are "serious" about the Great Commission. Sadly, you are yet again setting up artificial bars to jump over; for instance: rather than rejoicing that 9 new churches have been started, setting a man-made bar of 100 leaves the impression that churches are not doing enough. However, 100 was your number, not the Holy Spirit's.

Billy Howard said...

Mr. Bold Anonymous,

Who said he didn't rejoice over those 9 churches? He is simply casting vision to start more churches!!!

Do you preach every week? What for? Isn't that little bit of righteousness in your congregation enough? Why preach for more change? Or maybe you don't??? Do you preach for change or to hold a job?

You are like those from the region in Ezra and Nehemiahs's day!