Thursday, November 15, 2007

What to Do about What to Do?

At least an attempt was made to address the issues that weigh heavily on the hearts of a lot of God's people. I believe Don Britton made an honest attempt at offering some solutions for 'what to do' about 'what to do'. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about uprooting the ingrained traditionalism that has taken over our associations and the way in which we 'do church' as well. Our associations reflect the nature and personality of our churches. And until one or the other changes we will forever wonder about what to do about what to do.

It is time for us:
1. To start planting more churches and not wait for associations to do it for us.
2. To start a revolution of following Christ and changing the world around us.
3. To start start a church planting movement by firing up churches to start planting churches that will plant churches, that will plant churches, ...
4. To start new associations for one purpose only! Church planting.

Some may not like what I have said. But they had better wake up or it will be too late.



The Mr. said...

I was not able to attend the meeting, but news of it spread fast. I don't think the question "Why are young men not responding to God's call in the ABA?" is one that needs any more answer than what took place at this meeting.

I agree with you that it is time for those who will move forward with God's kingdom to do so together.

Mike Prince said...

I don't typically read your blog or other blogs. However, the Texas meeting has me scratching my head and wanting to see what others thought of that display of ignorance. It is time for a revolution.
Mike Prince

Anonymous said...

Bro. David,
Well said on here and Kevin's Blog. We need to see change; change in our association, change in our churches, and MOST IMPROTANTLY - CHANGE IN THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE WE MINISTER TO!!!
John Skipworth

Anonymous said...

I've reflected recently about God's activity in shaping a leader through the painful experience of being unravelled: the Wall. It's a recurring pattern in the lives of leaders who finish well.
The same pattern is clearly discerned in the birth and rebirth of Christian movements. God unmakes his people in order to reshape them.
The church in the West is going through such a time.
We tend to want to project our experience on the rest of the global Christian movement. I'm not convinced. We want to foist our doubt and confusion on the church of the Global South and they're not buying it.
How do we navigate such a time? We need to understand what is going on.
God is sovereign and he chooses the times and seasons for his people. Our call is to respond with faith and surrender.
To begin with we have the world as we know it. We know what the rules are. We know what works. We know what we should do. LIfe is predictable. The world makes sense.
Then come the losses. We lose our bearings. We lose our confidence. We lose our hope. The world becomes a confusing place. Doubt and despair enter in. We find ourselves in the wilderness with no way forward and no way back.
God is powerfully at work unravelling us so that he can reform us. But we don't know it. We just feel the terror and shame of our undoing.
The wilderness is the place of danger, devils and temptation. It is also the place of profound encounter with God where we return to the heart of our faith and prepare for the promised land.
There will be a new era. God is faithful. But there will be no resurrection without a cross. No new life without death.

written by steve addison

Billy Howard said...

Sounds like you guys had a painful experience!

Anonymous said...

Here in Texarkana, at one point Bogard Press was stating that they were decreasing the number of children and youth Sunday School literature in sales.
Just for the record, I enjoy being in a convention where people rejoice in salvations and baptisms and don't smear your name through mud if you don't wear a tie to church. I miss the friendships that I had, but do I want to come back to a work where politics are so dominate? If you want to keep your nose clean you better hangout with the right people, dress the way they dress, speak the way they speak, and give the loudest amens at the condemnation of Homosexuals, drunkards,and preachers who have gotees.
I like being able to be who I am while I strive to be like Christ.

Kevin Higgins said...

Great thoughts Bro. David. I believe you are right. What we need most is for men of God to be deeply in love with Jesus Christ and be moved to follow Him no matter what that might look like or what their peers might think or say. We're more in love with the church, our association, ourselves or our way of doing things than we are with Jesus.

By the way - how about hooking some brothers up with some links?