Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What's Wrong With Church Planting?

Paul said "I have planted and Apollos has watered.." I Cor 3:6.

What did Paul Plant? An Orange Tree? Of course not. I believe his reference to planting could be only one of two things: planting the Word of God (which is usually referred to as a seed) or a church. In both cases a man plants it and waters it, but only God can give the increase. As Jesus said, "I will build my church", simply, God gives the increase.

Our understanding of doing mission work needs to include the idea that church planting is a valid scriptural behavior. Those who promote church planting as a better terminology are not opposed to those who prefer to start missions. Praise God for His work being done, whether it is a mission or a church that is started.

However it appears that those who prefer starting missions have labeled church planting as unscriptural. I don't get it. What's wrong with church planting?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If we want to get real technical it is theologically incorrect to say that a man can "start a mission". 1.) A man doesn't start anything-God does (God initiates). 2. "Mission" is not even in the Bible (period).

To "plant" would mean a man does the work as called/led by God which would result in a new "church" development.

The bottom line is that some people are never going to accept a different terminology. They associate anything new or different with the New Age Movement.