Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving and Beyond

My wife and I attended our Smith family reunion in Mississippi this Thanksgiving. There were nearly 50 of us! From just four brothers; our sister wasn't able to make it.

It is so very special to see how God blesses a family that puts Christ in the forefront of their existence. I praise God for over 400 years of Christ following in my family. It all began in the 1500's with our German Mennonite forefathers. Some migrated to Canada in the early 1900's and others stayed and suffered a lot due to communism and nazism. Some of us moved to the USA and here I am with my family.

Our prayer every year is that every new grandchild and nephew and niece come to Christ.

1 comment:

Billy Howard said...

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the reunion. God is good!